Mental Health First Aid

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) – your guide to early intervention. Just as CPR equips you to assist during a heart attack, MHFA empowers you to support those facing mental health or substance use challenges.  Our staff is trained by the National Council for Mental Wellbeing to deliver this evidence-based course virtually and in-person.

Through tailored scenarios, activities, and videos, MHFA provides the skills to recognize and respond to signs of mental health issues, offering crucial initial support until professional help is accessed. Over 3 million individuals nationwide have benefited from MHFA training, led by certified Instructors.

Join the next wave of support providers and become certified in Mental Health First Aid. Equip yourself to be there for those around you facing mental health or substance use challenges.

Empower yourself, empower others.  Sign up for Mental Health First Aid Now!